Enjoy the Coffee!
Now, take a mindful moment to nurture yourself.
Focus on the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee and hear the hum of people chatting around you.
Notice if there is any tension in your shoulders. Can you consciously drop them away from your ears?
Now focus on the muscles in your jaw. Can you relax them, even for a second?
Take three slow breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, while breathing deep into your diaphragm.
Gently wiggle your toes and focus on what the bottom of your feet feels like against the stability of the ground.
Can you surrender to any worries or distractions and simply be in this moment, fully present and at ease?
We hope so, because making time to connect to your mind, body, and the present moment is essential to your wellbeing.
Thank you for taking a mindful moment to nurture yourself. Return to this exercise as you go about your day and be reminded that both power and peace come from slowing down.
_Minded Psychology