Fees + Rebates



Psychologist $250

Clinical Psychologist $265

Counsellor/Psychotherapist $180

Provisional Psychologist $160

A standard session is 50 minutes in length, reserving 10 minutes for session preparation, treatment planning, continued case formulation, note writing, and/or referral correspondence.

Counsellors, psychotherapists, and provisional psychologists offer their clients a reduced session fee because they are NOT eligible for a Medicare rebate. Currently, Medicare pays a higher rebate to clients who see a clinical psychologist.


Psychologist $375

Clinical Psychologist $395

Counsellor/Psychotherapist $270

Provisional Psychologist $240

The Initial Assessment Session (IAS) is the first session you will attend before commencing therapy. If you are engaging a child, you will attend this session on their behalf. During the IAS you will be asked detailed questions about your/your child’s history and presentation, which will help ascertain your therapy goals and treatment plan. The IAS ranges between 70-90 minutes in length, depending on individual circumstance.

The IAS is charged at a higher rate due to the time it takes inside and outside of this session to collate history, assess presentation, collaborate with relevant or referring third parties, and formulate a tailored treatment plan. The IAS is essential for setting up therapy to have the best possible outcome.


Sessions that are scheduled out of hours incur an additional $15 fee.

‘Out of hours’ applies to sessions scheduled before 830am or from 5pm on a weekday, and any hours on a weekend or public holiday. 

 For additional information regarding our fees, please refer to the Fee Schedule. This document will be provided to you once you schedule your Initial Assessment Session. Alternatively, please feel free to request it earlier.

Late Cancellation & Missed Session Fees

When you confirm a session, this time is reserved for you. Please give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule your session. This will provide administration with an opportunity to offer your session time to other clients who are waiting to see your practitioner. This policy also ensures that your practitioner’s time is valued.

If you do not provide 48 hours’ notice you will be charged 50% of your session fee. 

If you do not provide 24 hours’ notice you will be charged 100% of your session fee.

 Please note that weekends and/or public holidays are not included as hours of notice, as these hours do not provide administration with an opportunity to offer your session time to other clients who are waiting to see your practitioner. We thank you for respecting this policy.

Please note that all cancellations and/or rescheduling of sessions need to be notified via text message or email to administration. Please do not leave a voice message with appointment changes as we cannot guarantee that administration will receive your voice message within the required timeframe, which would result in a ‘Late Cancellation/Missed Session fee.

Medicare Rebates  

Counsellors, psychotherapists, and provisional psychologists offer their clients a reduced session fee because they are NOT eligible for a Medicare rebate.

If you have been referred to a fully registered psychologist, you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. Currently, Medicare pays a higher rebate to clients who see a clinical psychologist.

To claim a Medicare rebate, you will need a referral letter and a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) from your General Practitioner (GP), paediatrician, or psychiatrist. Your doctor will need to review your progress after your 6th session before providing you with a re-referral for a further 6 sessions (4 of which you'll be able to claim in the same year, totalling 10 per calendar year). Your practitioner will help remind you when you need to visit your doctor for a review appointment, however it is not their responsibility.

If you would like Minded Psychology to process the Medicare rebate for you, please provide the paperwork to administration as soon as you receive it. Medicare rebates are processed by our on-line practice management software Halaxy. For more detailed information regarding Halaxy please refer to the ‘What To Expect’ webpage. 

If you are a parent wanting to claim a Medicare rebate for your parent feedback sessions, you will need to apply for your own Mental Health Treatment Plan. 

Please note that you cannot claim a rebate for a ‘Late Cancellation/Missed Session’ fee.

Private Health Insurance Rebates 

Private Health Insurance rebates may be available subject to your level of cover and which practitioner you have been referred to. If you are eligible for a private rebate you will need to submit your invoice to your Health Fund directly. Please note that you cannot claim a Medicare rebate and a Private Health Insurance rebate for the same session.

NDIS, WorkCover & TAC Funding

Minded Psychology provides psychological services to clients who qualify for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), WorkCover, or Traffic Accident Compensation (TAC). Please note that it is likely that your funding will not cover the full session fee, in which case there will be an out-of-pocket cost.

Bulk Billing & Fee Reductions

Minded Psychology is a private billing practice. All our practitioners are specialists in their field and have undergone extensive study and field experience to meet the requirements to practice. They are also required to meet stringent professional development requirements each year to maintain their registration. Our practitioners may reduce their fees under exceptional circumstances only.