Nadine Stephenson


BSc; Hons(Psych); MClinNeuropsych; MAAPi

Nadine is a registered psychologist with a Master of Clinical Neuropsychology. She is passionate about working with adults of all ages to address issues relating to mood, anxiety, and trauma. Nadine also enjoys working with culturally diverse clients.

Nadine believes in a holistic and person-centred approach to treatment and sees herself as a collaborator with her clients throughout their therapeutic process. Nadine’s clients are encouraged to develop a greater understanding of the broader context of their presenting issues and to view themselves through a lens of curious self-compassion. Nadine is inspired by witnessing clients progress through therapy with increasing levels of resilience, self-knowledge, and confidence.

Based on client need, Nadine incorporates aspects of mindfulness-based therapeutic approaches, interpersonal therapy, brief solution-focused therapy, narrative therapy (NT), and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT); all within a trauma-informed framework.

Nadine is focussed on creating a supportive therapeutic relationship to provide a strong foundation for client growth and self-actualisation. Nadine has been influenced philosophically, both personally and in her practice, by the writings of Viktor Frankl, Albert Ellis, Irving Yalom, and Brené Brown.

Nadine also provides neuropsychological assessment for children and adults presenting with cognitive and/or behavioural concerns. Nadine is specifically trained to assess intellectual disability, learning difficulties, neurodiversity (Autism, ADHD), neurodegenerative conditions (Dementia, Parkinson's disease), brain injury, and stroke. Neuropsychological assessment provides a comprehensive and holistic view of an individual’s cognitive and adaptive functioning. Assessment aims to clarify diagnoses, specify cognitive limitations and strengths, identify further medical and/or support needs, and provide real-world strategies to the client, parents and/or schools to improve daily functioning and quality of life.

Nadine holds her registration with the Australian Board of Psychology and is a member of the Australian Association of Psychologists Inc (AAPi).